Kazakhstan is a country possessing the richest resources of hydrocarbon raw products in the Central Asia.
To ensure their full-fledged use locally and globally there is a need for a developed state-of-the-art infrastructure, which enables transporting Kazakhstan oil to consumers.
One of the most promising and economically beneficial export route for Kazakhstan oil is fast growing market of the People’s Republic of China.

General agreement was signed between the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in respect of projects aimed at field development and construction of oil pipelines.

In China Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, and Hu Jintao, Chairman of China, signed the Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Government of the People’s Republic of China on development of bilateral oil and gas cooperation.

KazTransOil JSC and China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation (CNODC) decide to eastablish Kazakhstan-China Pipeline LLP under the principle of equal shares.

Atasu-Alashankou crude oil pipeline construction project was presented.
On this day, two first laid pipes of the future pipeline were jointly welded in a solemn setup. The project envisaged construction of a 965.1 km pipeline, passing through Atasu-Agadyr-Akchatau-Aktogay-Ucharal- Alashankou in Karaganda, East-Kazakhstan and Almaty oblast of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Xinjian Uigur autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China and was accompanied by reconstruction of the existing Atasu IPS and construction of PS-9.

The so called “golden” pipeline joint was welded in the frontier zone of the Republic of Kazakhstan and People’s Republic of China, thus symbolizing integration of strategic goals of two friendly countries.
Thanks to harmonious and dedicated performance of all employees involved in the project laying of some 1000 km pipe was completed within record tight deadline.

Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, launched the Atasu-Alashankou crude oil pipeline in a solemn setup, one of the first world class export pipelines ever built in independent Kazakhstan.
Atasu-Alashankou crude oil pipeline was a significant milestone in implementation of the diverse oil transportation system: in addition to supplies from Kazakhstan oil bearing regions, this offered an opportunity to transport Russian oil from the West-Siberian region of the Russian Federation.

Success of Kazakhstan-China Pipeline LLP during the implementation of this strategic project was recognized as the company was awarded “Breakthrough of the year” prize under the nomination “Golden Prometheus” during the Oil and Gas Week of Kazakhstan in Astana.

First trench of the second phase of Kazakhstan-China oil pipeline, section Kenkiyak-Kumkol was presented at Kenkiyak station, Aktobe oblast.
Karim Massimov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, speaking at the solemn ceremony, noted that “To ensure energy safety, the issue of transportation of energy resources is one of the most important elemenets for our further sustainable development”.